Create your Account


Important note: It might be that the e-mails from our platform will be defined as junk mail. Please check your junk mails and may ask your IT department to allow incoming e-mails from our no-reply address:

Thank you in advance!
* mandatory field

Enter your company profile

This company name will be used in the Letter of Attendance after successful completion of a training.
The customer account number is included in your Hamilton quote or contract. This is not the quotation/opportunity number itself. This helps us to classify you as belonging to which HAMILTON subsidiary.
Enter the first numbers of your postcode and check whether your city is available. If not keep empty (--- No selection ---) and enter the postcode and city in the field 'Company postcode and city (manually)'.
Enter company postcode and city manually, if you could not select these in the dropdown menu above.


Enter your personal profile

e.g. Senior Scientist Chemistry Department (will be shown in your Letter of Attendance)
If we need to contact you via e-mail regarding other issues.
Please use your company e-mail address. This is the main e-mail address that will be used to send you all information including the confirmation of enrollment and the final confirmation for a training.
If you like, you can enter your private e-mail address or a second e-mail address. We will use your company address given above and this second e-mail address to send the confirmation of enrollment and the final confirmation for a training.


Please note that your registration data (i.e. name, first name, email address) are used by HAMILTON in order to create a personal profile on our training registration platform, to send you information for the training via e-mail and to use your data to generate a Letter of Attendance (confirmation of participation). This will allow you to check your courses and to download training materials as well as to download your Letter of Attendance/Confirmation after successful completion. By submitting this registration you consent to HAMILTON using your information for this purpose. Click the checkbox above to agree to this.


Enter your login data for your personal HAMILTON Training Account

  • Mindestens 8 Zeichen lang.
  • Muss Sonderzeichen enthalten (z.B. $, #, *, !, ?, +, @, &).
  • Keine persönlichen Daten wie z.B. Name oder Geburtsdatum verwenden
  • Bei Passwortänderungen: Das neue Passwort muss sich vom alten unterscheiden
  • Passwort muss nach 365 Tagen geändert werden.
We would be very pleased if you could tell us the name of your tip supplier or where do you order your tips.


If you need a quotation for a specific training, you can ask our HAMILTON Training Team1 or use this Comments field. For a quotation please specifiy the total number of participants that shall be included in your quotation. We will prepare the quotation and send it to you. It might be that there will be a discount for you based on the number of participants. 
In addition, feel free to add additional remarks/comments here.